Miami Condo Collapses - Death and Casualty | Daly & Black, P.C.
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At least 99 people are unaccounted for after Champlain Towers South condominiums in Surfside, Florida, just north of Miami Beach, partially collapsed in the early hours of Thursday morning. One death has been confirmed in the disastrous collapse, and at least another 11 people have been seriously injured. 37 people have been extracted from the rubble, most with minor or moderate physical injuries. The rescue efforts are still ongoing as emergency teams search the area with canines trained to sniff for survivors.

Champlain Towers South – a beachside property at 8777 Collins Avenue – has 136 units in the building, and it is believed that close to half of them suddenly collapsed around 1:30 AM. The structure was a 12-story high-rise, so the collapse made a massive pile of rubble, making rescue efforts difficult. A thunderstorm that rolled over the area later in the morning also complicated matters for rescuers.

The condominium high-rise was built in 1981, according to city property records. The cause of the collapse remains unknown, said Mayor Daniella Levine Cava of Miami-Dade County. She reported that structural engineers will be brought in to help investigate the collapse once rescue efforts are concluded. For now, rescuers will continue looking for survivors, but many have said they fear the worst.

A family reunification center was set up nearby for anyone looking for unaccounted relatives. Family members can also call 305-614-1819 to speak with emergency officials about missing persons.

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