Denver Personal Injury Lawyers | Injury Claims

Denver Personal Injury Lawyers

Representing people throughout the nation who have been seriously injured or killed by the negligent, reckless, or intentional actions of others.

At Daly & Black, P.C., our Denver Personal Injury Lawyers are dedicated to representing individuals across the nation who have endured serious injuries or the loss of loved ones due to the negligence, recklessness, or intentional acts of others. We understand the immense physical, emotional, and financial toll these injuries impose on our clients, and we’re committed to securing the compensation they rightfully deserve. The approach our Denver personal injury lawyers take is rooted in providing free case evaluations and operating on a contingency fee basis, meaning our services are at no cost to you unless we achieve a successful recovery.

As experienced trial lawyers, we meticulously prepare every case with the diligence it would require for trial, eschewing quick, easy settlements for thorough and assertive advocacy. This rigorous preparation positions us to prevail at trial, offering you significant leverage if you wish to settle your case through negotiation. This strategy results in 99% of our cases settling out of court.

Navigating personal injury law can be intricate and varies by state. The types of compensation available, the damages you may claim, the parties you can sue, and the existence of caps on certain claims all require adept and experienced legal counsel. We advise against handling these complex matters alone.

We know the incredible physical, emotional, and financial burdens that our clients face because of their injuries and we work to ensure that they obtain the compensation they deserve.

Person looking for Denver Personal Injury Lawyer

By filing a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit, we can work to secure funds that can pay for your:

  • Medical Expenses past and future
  • Past & Future Wages
  • Pain & Suffering
  • Mental Anguish
  • Loss of Future Economic / Educational Support
  • Loss of the Care, Comfort & Companionship of a Loved One
  • Funeral Costs

While your case progresses, we also ensure that you and your family receive the best possible medical care and, where necessary, support for living expenses. Our goal is to negotiate a fair settlement that addresses all third-party liens while maximizing the funds you need for future security. This means that when your case concludes, you’re not left with insurmountable bills.

Regardless of the accident type, if you suspect your injuries are due to another’s actions, reach out to us. Our attorneys are adept, assertive, and determined to find ways to assist you. Contact Daly & Black, P.C., your Denver Personal Injury Lawyers, for a free consultation today. Let us help you secure the compensation you deserve for your injury.